Xpress Best Paper Award
The Xpress Best Paper Award acknowledges outstanding papers in the area of Operations Research, Mathematical Optimization and related fields.
The winning paper must contain significant research contributions for which the usage of FICO Xpress Optimization products played a major role.
The Award
The award consists of a $1,500 cash prize and the winners are selected by a committee consisting of five members, chaired by a member of the Xpress Optimization team.
Chair: Timo Berthold (FICO)
Stefano Gualandi (Università di Pavia)
Ivana Ljubic (ESSEC Business School, Paris)
Gonzalo Muñoz (Universidad de O’Higgins)
Domenico Salvagnin (University of Padova)
What is eligible?
To be eligible, a paper should have been published in English in a peer-reviewed journal, or in a comparable, well-refereed volume, in the time between January 1, 2024 and December 31, 2024.
Online first publications in named journals or volumes are eligible.
Papers co-authored by FICO employees or by members of the award committee are not eligible to receive the award.
What more?
The author(s) of the winning paper are obliged to contribute a two-page popular scientific write-up of their research results to be published in the FICO Optimization Blog.
We invite you to nominate or self-nominate papers for the Xpress Best Paper Award 2024. The nomination deadline is February 14, 2025, 23:59.
The submission needs to include a copy of the paper, an exact citation where and when it has been published and a short statement on the usage of FICO Xpress Optimization products in the paper.
Apply now!
Winners will be announced by April 30, 2025.
Please use the following e-mail address for submissions:
Previous Winners:
Winner Xpress Best Paper Award 2023: Feasibility Jump: an LP-free Lagrangian MIP heuristic | Mathematical Programming Computation (springer.com)
Runner-Up Xpress Best Paper Award 2023: Scalable timing-aware network design via lagrangian decomposition - ScienceDirect
Winner Xpress Best Paper Award 2022:
Moreira, A., Pozo, D., Street, A., Sauma, E., & Strbac, G. (2021). Climate‐aware generation and transmission expansion planning: A three‐stage robust optimization approach. European Journal of Operational Research, 295(3), 1099-1118.
Runner-Up Xpress Best Paper Award 2022:
Bouzekri, H., Alpan, G., & Giard, V. (2021). Integrated Laycan and Berth Allocation and time-invariant Quay Crane Assignment Problem in tidal ports with multiple quays. European Journal of Operational Research, 293(3), 892–909.